About Landerman Management

Understanding the intricacies of government relations can be time-consuming and confusing. 

Rulemaking… crafting effective messaging...  contacting legislators… staying up-to-speed on ever-changing government policies…

You’ll spend so much time wrapped up in the details, you won’t have time to focus on the bigger picture


At Landerman Management Associates, state government relations is our full-time job and our only business. Founded by Steve Landerman, a former state agency executive, we provide experienced on-staff professionals who are skilled in all aspects of government relations.


You’ll receive a team assigned to your specific business and/or cause who will lend firepower to your government relations efforts, including representation in Washington, D.C. if needed. 

Your team will be comprised of powerhouse professionals with proven track records of success who have lived and worked in Ohio the majority of their lives and understand the state’s unique culture, people, and politics. 

And, we guarantee individual leadership over your assigned team members, i.e., YOU lead the charge

So whether you’re facing an issue in Ohio for the first time and have no feel for the state, or you just don’t have the capacity to do this on your own, rely on Landerman Management Associates to be a trusted extension of your team.